Give Your Precious Child the Olympic-way of Learning English and Getting into University !
Featured Artist

Swing Ng

Love Is Like A Shadow - Mizz Liu and Swing Ng (Vocal)
Video Streaming

Revival - Swing Ng
Music Streaming

Five Lakes Four Seas - Swing Ng
Video Streaming
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We have been teaching students in The Olympic Way over the past years, reaping unforeseen results in students at different levels of intellectual development, e.g. Even those with dyslexia came out to be No.2 or No.7 of the whole class! Not to mention those with normal intelligence - many would find their ways into the top 3 of the Hong Kong universities, with some scoring 5* in the Diploma of Secondary Education (DSE) English!

Praise Album 8
Song List:
1. The Joshua Generation by Mizz Liu
2. The Coming King by Dominic Chan
3. Parted The Waters! By Dominic Chan
4. Resounding by Mizz Liu
5. History Is In His Control by Dominic Chan
6. The Most Exalted, Omnipotent God! By Grahm Ho and Swing Ng
7. Shalom by Swing Ng
8. The Majestic Kingdom by Swing Ng
9. Otaku by Mizz Liu and Tommy Lo
10. Three 5s by Grahm Ho and Swing Ng
11. He Works Wonders by Dominic Chan and Tommy Lo
1. The Joshua Generation by Mizz Liu
2. The Coming King by Dominic Chan
3. Parted The Waters! By Dominic Chan
4. Resounding by Mizz Liu
5. History Is In His Control by Dominic Chan
6. The Most Exalted, Omnipotent God! By Grahm Ho and Swing Ng
7. Shalom by Swing Ng
8. The Majestic Kingdom by Swing Ng
9. Otaku by Mizz Liu and Tommy Lo
10. Three 5s by Grahm Ho and Swing Ng
11. He Works Wonders by Dominic Chan and Tommy Lo
Purchase full album here: Video , Vocal Music , Instrumental Music
Featured music
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Revival - Swing Ng
Video Streaming

Stranger - Dominic Chan (with vocal)
Video Streaming

Three 5s - Grahm Ho and Swing Ng (vocal)
Video Steaming

Safe and Secure - The Spirit Rain (instrumental)
Video Streaming