Resounding - Mizz Liu (vocal)

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This video depicts how God’s roads meander through oceans; His footsteps cannot be traced. We thank Him for empowering us for work every day and wish that His salvation spread out to all the four corners of the Earth. He is the Messiah, the Everlasting King, our Saviour!!   Enjoy!

Verse 1: 澎湃! 主的河流 在深淵中发声!

諸水 正在翻騰, 深淵在抖戰!

Verse 2: 誰能像祢, 至荣至聖, 可頌可畏, 施行奇事.

祢的道路 穿越过海洋; 祢的腳蹤 无人知晓.

Pre-Chorus: 感謝我主 悉心激勵; 每天讓我 作工有力.

什願萬民 前來歌頌祢. 願救恩 傳遍四方地極.

Chorus: 不論山高或水深; 我要遵從祢的話.

不論喜或是悲 或是充足或缺欠 我要仰望祢,

耶稣! 祢是彌賽亚, 永生的王, 我的救贖主, 耶穌!


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